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Famous Shamus

Herd Sire

Hot to trot and handsome too, Shamus brings a splash of colour and character to Beauvais Lake Goats. From proven milking lines, Shamus throws small babies that kid out well. While he has some rather smelly habits come breeding season, Shamus loves nothing more than a good snuggle and a handful of Mini Wheats.

Barley (aka Itty Bitty Cricket)

Herd Dam

This bearded wonderwoman is a gentle and kind mum, who produces a lovely creamy milk. Barley loves nothing more than a good rub in the sun, a rocky cliff to climb up (and give her owner mild heart paliptations) and some sliced apples to snack on.


Ebony Aka Itty Bitty Sansa

Herd Dam

Despite her gentle nature Ebony has been known for leading the herd on the occasional house robbery. Ebony has a nose for peanuts that is rarely satisfied, but the stamina to hike for more than 15km in a day.


Meet the Herd: Team Members
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